1. Perl / Говнокод #22316


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    # Plugin to monitor thermal sensors inside ThinkPad
    # Origional Author: Kamen Naydenov @pau4o
    # Contributors:
    use warnings;
    use strict;
    if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "autoconf")
        if (-r "/proc/acpi/ibm/thermal")
    	print "yes\n";
    	exit 0;
    	print "/proc/acpi/ibm/thermal not found\n You must load ibm_acpi kernel module\n";
    	exit 1;
    my ($i, $val, @sensors, @values);
    @sensors=qw/CPU MiniPCI HDD GPU Bat0 Na0 Bat1 Na1/;
    $val=qx|cat /proc/acpi/ibm/thermal|;
    if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config")
        print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0 --vertical-label Temp\n";
        print "graph_title Some temperatures in ThinkPad\n";
        print "graph_category sensors\n";
        print "graph_info There is some themperatures detected by ibm_acpi kernel module. The location of sensors may vary on other models (these are for R51)\n";
        print "graph_order @sensors\n";
        print "graph_scale off\n";
        for (@sensors) {
          print "$_.label $_\n";
          print "$_.info Temperature near $_\n";
          print "$_.max 100\n";
        exit 0;
    shift @values;
    shift @values;
    for ($i=0; $i <= 7; $i++) {
      if ($values[$i]=~/^-(\d*)$/) {
        print "$sensors[$i].value $1\n";
      } else {
        print "$sensors[$i].value $values[$i]\n";

    Запостил: munin, 12 Февраля 2017

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