1. Lua / Говнокод #25633


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    utf8 = {}
    function utf8.charbytes(s, i)
       -- argument defaults
       i = i or 1
       local c = string.byte(s, i)
       -- determine bytes needed for character, based on RFC 3629
       if c > 0 and c <= 127 then
          -- UTF8-1
          return 1
       elseif c >= 194 and c <= 223 then
          -- UTF8-2
          local c2 = string.byte(s, i + 1)
          return 2
       elseif c >= 224 and c <= 239 then
          -- UTF8-3
          local c2 = s:byte(i + 1)
          local c3 = s:byte(i + 2)
          return 3
       elseif c >= 240 and c <= 244 then
          -- UTF8-4
          local c2 = s:byte(i + 1)
          local c3 = s:byte(i + 2)
          local c4 = s:byte(i + 3)
          return 4
    function utf8.len(s)
       local pos = 1
       local bytes = string.len(s)
       local len = 0
       while pos <= bytes and len ~= chars do
          local c = string.byte(s,pos)
          len = len + 1
          pos = pos + utf8.charbytes(s, pos)
       if chars ~= nil then
          return pos - 1
       return len
    print(utf8.len("Аутизм")) --6
    local mt = {__len = function(self) 
          local k=0
          for _,v in pairs(self) do 
            k = k+1;
            if k > 1 then  print(1) return #self end
          if k==1 and type(self[1])=="string" then
        __index = function(self, key) return setmetatable({key},mt) end} 
    t=(#Аутизм) --12

    Чот пытался - но словил хуйца.

    Запостил: 3oJIoTou_xyu, 22 Мая 2019

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