1. C# / Говнокод #28642


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    class StargateSimulator
        static bool shieldEnabled = false;
        static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine("Stargate Simulator");
            // Check for zero point module
            Console.Write("Zero Point Module detected. Proceed with simulation? (y/n) ");
            string response = Console.ReadLine();
            if (response.ToLower() != "y")
                Console.WriteLine("Simulation cancelled.");
            // Enable shield
            Console.Write("Enable gate shield? (y/n) ");
            response = Console.ReadLine();
            if (response.ToLower() == "y")
            // Enter gate address
            Console.Write("Enter gate address: ");
            string address = Console.ReadLine();
            if (address.Length != 6 && address.Length != 8)
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid address length.");
            // Dial gate
            Console.WriteLine("Simulation complete.");
        static void Dial(string address)
            // Check for valid address
            if (address.Length != 6 && address.Length != 8)
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid address length.");
            // Check for energy source
            Console.Write("Energy source detected. Proceed with dialing? (y/n) ");
            string response = Console.ReadLine();
            if (response.ToLower() != "y")
                Console.WriteLine("Dialing cancelled.");
            // Dial gate
            Console.WriteLine("Dialing gate...");
            if (shieldEnabled)
                Console.WriteLine("Gate shield is active.");
            Console.WriteLine("Chevron 1 encoded.");
            Console.WriteLine("Chevron 2 encoded.");
            Console.WriteLine("Chevron 3 encoded.");
            Console.WriteLine("Chevron 4 encoded.");
            Console.WriteLine("Chevron 5 encoded.");
            Console.WriteLine("Chevron 6 encoded.");
            if (address.Length == 8)
                Console.WriteLine("Chevron 7 encoded.");
                Console.WriteLine("Gate engaged.");
                Console.WriteLine("Gate engaged.");
        static void EnableShield()
            // Check for available power
            Console.Write("Power levels stable. Activate gate shield? (y/n) ");
            string response = Console.ReadLine();
            if (response.ToLower() != "y")
                Console.WriteLine("Shield activation cancelled.");
            // Activate shield
            Console.WriteLine("Shield activated.");
            shieldEnabled = true;

    Симулятор наборного устройства звездных врат.

    P.S. За Канон-френдли не отвечаю, т.к. фанат серии но любитель немножко поизвращаться над ЛОРом...

    Запостил: DartPower, 19 Марта 2023

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