1. PHP / Говнокод #8684


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    public function selectItems( $id, $withStrictment = 'no' /* $withStrictment = no, retail, discount */ ) {
    		if( $withStrictment == 'discount' ) $onlyWithRetailPriceSql = " and items.articul in ( select articul from items_discount ) ";
    		if( $withStrictment == 'retail' ) $onlyWithRetailPriceSql = " and items.articul in ( select articul from retailPrice ) ";
    		$a = database::select("	SELECT items.* FROM items WHERE items.id = '$id' and items.deleted = 'no' ");
    		$a = $a[0];
    		$this->data = database::select("SELECT items.*, 
    										IF(DATEDIFF(now(),created) <= 30, 'Новинка! ', '') as fresh,
    										( items.quantity - coalesce(view_pendeditemsquantity.sum,0) ) as quantity,
    										items_comments.comment as dopDescr, items_comments.comment as comment, items_discount.priceAsUSD as discountPrice,
    										concat(items.name, ' - ', items.quantity) as name
    										FROM items 
    										LEFT JOIN view_pendeditemsquantity ON items.articul = view_pendeditemsquantity.articul
    										LEFT JOIN items_comments ON items.articul = items_comments.articul
    										left join items_discount on items.articul = items_discount.articul
    										left join items_packing on items.articul = items_packing.articul
    										WHERE items.group_id in ( select articul from items where is_group = '1' and name = '{$a['name']}' and group_id = '' )
    										  and items.deleted = 'no' 
    										order by items.quantity desc, items.name asc

    Запостил: guzik, 30 Ноября 2011

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