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$textb = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS("SELECT * FROM "._DB_PREFIX_."productotzyv WHERE `id_product` = ".$idProduct);
$count_otz = count($textb);
if ($p==0) $p = 1;
$limit = 99;
$texta = get("SELECT *, date_format(data, '%d.%m.%Y') as data_ FROM "._DB_PREFIX_."productotzyv WHERE `id_product` = ".$idProduct." LIMIT ".$limit);
$ed = count(Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS("SELECT * FROM "._DB_PREFIX_."productotzyv WHERE `id_product`=".intval($_GET['id_product'])." and `rating`=1"));
$dva = count(Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS("SELECT * FROM "._DB_PREFIX_."productotzyv WHERE `id_product`=".intval($_GET['id_product'])." and `rating`=2"));
$tri = count(Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS("SELECT * FROM "._DB_PREFIX_."productotzyv WHERE `id_product`=".intval($_GET['id_product'])." and `rating`=3"));
$four = count(Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS("SELECT * FROM "._DB_PREFIX_."productotzyv WHERE `id_product`=".intval($_GET['id_product'])." and `rating`=4"));
$five = count(Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS("SELECT * FROM "._DB_PREFIX_."productotzyv WHERE `id_product`=".intval($_GET['id_product'])." and `rating`=5"));
$i = strrpos($uri, "/");
$uri1 = substr($uri, 0, $i);
$i = strrpos($uri1, "/");
$uri = substr($uri1, 0, $i);
$uri = $uri."/";
$monUrl = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$uri;
foreach ($textb as $s => $a){
$text += $a['rating'];
$smarty->assign('ed', $ed);
$smarty->assign('dva', $dva);
$smarty->assign('tri', $tri);
$smarty->assign('four', $four);
$smarty->assign('five', $five);
$smarty->assign('ed_proc', $ed/$count_otz*100);
$smarty->assign('dva_proc', $dva/$count_otz*100);
$smarty->assign('tri_proc', $tri/$count_otz*100);
$smarty->assign('four_proc', $four/$count_otz*100);
$smarty->assign('five_proc', $five/$count_otz*100);
$smarty->assign('rating2', round($text/$count_otz, 0));
$smarty->assign('countotz', $count_otz.' '.endingsForm($count_otz,"отзыв","отзыва","отзывов"));
Prestashop, реализация отображения отзывов и рейтига товара
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