1. Куча / Говнокод #9514


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    			Do not touch. This is fragile stuff. Seriously.
    			Batik just *wants* to pull xalan and xml-apis, *everywhere*,
    			even though we do not want this. And Ivy isn't clever enough
    			to ignore the dependencies everywhere.
    			In an ideal world we would just explicitly depend on batik-swing
    			and batik-transcoder and be done with it. Instead we have to do
    			this atrocity. Apache, take a hint, would you kindly?
    		<dependency org="org.apache.xmlgraphics" name="batik-xml" rev="[1.7,)">
    			<exclude org="xalan" module="xalan" />
    		<dependency org="org.apache.xmlgraphics" name="batik-ext" rev="[1.7,)">
    			<exclude org="xml-apis" module="xml-apis" />
    		<dependency org="org.apache.xmlgraphics" name="batik-css" rev="[1.7,)">
    			<exclude org="xml-apis" module="xml-apis" />
    		<dependency org="org.apache.xmlgraphics" name="batik-dom" rev="[1.7,)">
    			<exclude org="xml-apis" module="xml-apis" />
    		<dependency org="org.apache.xmlgraphics" name="batik-parser" rev="[1.7,)">
    			<exclude org="xml-apis" module="xml-apis" />
    		<dependency org="org.apache.xmlgraphics" name="batik-anim" rev="[1.7,)">
    			<exclude org="org.apache.xmlgraphics" module="batik-svg-dom" />
    			<exclude org="xml-apis" module="xml-apis" />
    		<dependency org="org.apache.xmlgraphics" name="batik-svg-dom" rev="[1.7,)">
    			<exclude org="xml-apis" module="xml-apis" />
    		<dependency org="org.apache.xmlgraphics" name="batik-bridge" rev="[1.7,)">
    			<exclude org="org.apache.xmlgraphics" module="batik-script" />
    			<exclude org="org.apache.xmlgraphics" module="batik-gvt" />
    			<exclude org="xml-apis" module="xml-apis" />
    			<exclude org="xalan" module="xalan" />
    		<dependency org="org.apache.xmlgraphics" name="batik-gvt" rev="[1.7,)">
    			<exclude org="org.apache.xmlgraphics" module="batik-script" />
    			<exclude org="xml-apis" module="xml-apis" />
    			<exclude org="xalan" module="xalan" />
    		<dependency org="org.apache.xmlgraphics" name="batik-gui-util" rev="[1.7,)">
    			<exclude org="xalan" module="xalan" />
    		<dependency org="org.apache.xmlgraphics" name="batik-script" rev="[1.7,)">
    			<exclude org="xalan" module="xalan" />
    		<dependency org="org.apache.xmlgraphics" name="batik-swing" rev="[1.7,)" />
    		<dependency org="org.apache.xmlgraphics" name="batik-transcoder" rev="[1.7,)" />
    		<!-- END BATIK SECTION -->

    Из ivy.xml.

    Запостил: someone, 22 Февраля 2012

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