1. Список говнокодов пользователя mangyst

    Всего: 8

  2. JavaScript / Говнокод #12550


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    <form action="..." ...>
      <input type="button" ... onclick="$('form').submit();" />

    Живет на свете один c# девелопер, который всегда всем говорит: "я не верстальщик - я c# девелопер. я не js программист - я c# девелопер" ну и т.д. И вот однажды он решил самостоятельно сделать функционал поиска...
    (На самом деле на стороне сервера еще гуще развивались события...но это уже другая история...) с серверным c# кодом вы можете ознакомится тут http://govnokod.ru/user/5616/codes

    mangyst, 07 Февраля 2013

    Комментарии (24)
  3. C# / Говнокод #12223


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    switch (occupation.name)
    	case "architecture and engineering occupations:":
    		if (occupation.isNB)
    			if (occupation.maleId == ex_nb_id)
    				model.ArchitectureAndEngineeringOccupationsMalePercentageNB = occupation.percent;
    			if (occupation.femaleId == ex_nb_id)
    				model.ArchitectureAndEngineeringOccupationsFemalePercentageNB = occupation.percent;
    			if (occupation.maleId == ex_city_id)
    				model.ArchitectureAndEngineeringOccupationsMalePercentageCity = occupation.percent;
    			if (occupation.femaleId == ex_city_id)
    				model.ArchitectureAndEngineeringOccupationsFemalePercentageCity = occupation.percent;
    	case "arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media occupations:":
    		if (occupation.isNB)
    			if (occupation.maleId == ex_nb_id)
    				model.ArtsDesignEntertainmentSportsAndMediaOccupationsMalePercentageNB = occupation.percent;
    			if (occupation.femaleId == ex_nb_id)
    				model.ArtsDesignEntertainmentSportsAndMediaOccupationsFemalePercentageNB = occupation.percent;
    			if (occupation.maleId == ex_city_id)
    				model.ArtsDesignEntertainmentSportsAndMediaOccupationsMalePercentageCity = occupation.percent;
    			if (occupation.femaleId == ex_city_id)
    				model.ArtsDesignEntertainmentSportsAndMediaOccupationsFemalePercentageCity = occupation.percent;
    	case "business and financial operations occupations:":
    		if (occupation.isNB)
    			if (occupation.maleId == ex_nb_id)
    				model.BusinessAndFinancialOperationsOccupationsMalePercentageNB = occupation.percent;
    			if (occupation.femaleId == ex_nb_id)
    				model.BusinessAndFinancialOperationsOccupationsFemalePercentageNB = occupation.percent;
    			if (occupation.maleId == ex_city_id)
    				model.BusinessAndFinancialOperationsOccupationsMalePercentageCity = occupation.percent;
    			if (occupation.femaleId == ex_city_id)
    				model.BusinessAndFinancialOperationsOccupationsFemalePercentageCity = occupation.percent;
    	case "community and social services occupations:":
    		if (occupation.isNB)
    			if (occupation.maleId == ex_nb_id)
    				model.CommunityAndSocialServicesOccupationsMalePercentageNB = occupation.percent;
    			if (occupation.femaleId == ex_nb_id)
    				model.CommunityAndSocialServicesOccupationsFemalePercentageNB = occupation.percent;
    			if (occupation.maleId == ex_city_id)
    				model.CommunityAndSocialServicesOccupationsMalePercentageCity = occupation.percent;
    			if (occupation.femaleId == ex_city_id)
    				model.CommunityAndSocialServicesOccupationsFemalePercentageCity = occupation.percent;

    эх жаль здесь ограничение на 100 строк всего лишь...не поместилось всего 200+ отборного ветвления. известный до боли мегапрограммер наваял очередной шедевр)))) по мотивам http://govnokod.ru/10448 и http://govnokod.ru/10313 и еще http://govnokod.ru/12136...

    mangyst, 29 Ноября 2012

    Комментарии (23)
  4. C# / Говнокод #12136


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    private BusinessSocialProfile GetSocialProfileLink(string searchProvider, string searchKey)
    	var link = new BusinessSocialProfile { Name = searchProvider, Url = "#" };
    	if (searchProvider.Contains("city", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
    		link.Url = cityLink;
    		link.Logo = "/citysearch.png";
    		link.ImageStyle = "margin-top:-8px";
    	else if (searchProvider.Contains("google", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
    		link.Url = googleLink;
    		link.Logo = "/google.png";
    	else if (searchProvider.Contains("yelp", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
    		link.Url = yelpLink;
    		link.Logo = "/yelp.png";
    		link.ImageStyle = "margin-top:-8px";
    	else if (searchProvider.Contains("manta", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
    		link.Url = mantaLink;
    		link.Logo = "/manta.png";
    	else if (searchProvider.Contains("patch", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
    		link.Url = patchLink;
    		link.Logo = "/patch.png";
    		link.Url = "#";
    		link.Logo = string.Empty;
    		link.Name = string.Empty;
    	return link;

    уже до боли известный девелопер ;) а для чего еще нужна бизнесс-логика...?

    mangyst, 16 Ноября 2012

    Комментарии (39)
  5. C# / Говнокод #12115


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    for (var attempt = 0; attempt < 3; attempt++)
        var result = (from neighborhood in this.DataContext.Neighborhoods
            join city in this.DataContext.Cities on neighborhood.CityId equals city.Id
            where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(neighborhood.Latitude) && (neighborhood.Id <= 31028 || attempt == 2) &&
            (attempt == 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(location.city) ? (city.Name.Equals(location.city, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) : true)
        select new...).ToList();

    просто linq, просто where;) От создателя xml-парсера (http://govnokod.ru/11870), обработки postback-запросов (http://govnokod.ru/10313), "обычного switch-а" (http://govnokod.ru/10448, http://govnokod.ru/10474), а еще конкатинации sql строк без параметров (но там слишком много, поэтому не выложу(:)

    mangyst, 13 Ноября 2012

    Комментарии (2)
  6. C# / Говнокод #11870


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    private string ExtractNodeValue(string text, string nodeName)
        string result = string.Empty;
        int slength = ("<" + nodeName + ">").Length;
        int sindex = text.IndexOf("<" + nodeName + ">");
        int eindex = text.IndexOf("</" + nodeName + ">");
        if (sindex > 0 && eindex > 0)
            result = text.Substring(sindex + slength, eindex - sindex - slength);
        return result;
    string request = string.Format("http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?ll={0},{1}&hl=en&output=xml&key=abcdefg", location.latitude, location.longitude);
    HttpWebRequest httprequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(request);
    WebResponse responce = httprequest.GetResponse();
    Stream str = responce.GetResponseStream();
    XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(str);
    reader.XmlResolver = null;
    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
    XmlNodeList listResponse = doc.ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes;
    foreach (XmlNode nodePlace in listResponse)
        if (nodePlace.Name == "Placemark")
            string text = nodePlace.InnerXml;
            string Country = ExtractNodeValue(text, "CountryName");
            if ((this.DataContext.Countries.Count(x => x.Name == location.countryName) == 0 || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(location.countryName)) &&
                location.countryName = Country;
            string Region = ExtractNodeValue(text, "AdministrativeAreaName");
            if (this.DataContext.States.Count(x => x.AlphaCode == location.region || x.Name == location.region) == 0 &&
                location.region = Region;
            string City = ExtractNodeValue(text, "LocalityName");
            if (this.DataContext.Cities.Count(x => x.Name == location.city) == 0 &&
                location.city = City;

    отличный парсиг xml.

    mangyst, 04 Октября 2012

    Комментарии (2)
  7. C# / Говнокод #10474


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    private void FillLocalService(int SelectedPageIndex)
                //Set category by search
                string search = inputSearch.Value == inputSearchValue ? string.Empty : inputSearch.Value;
                if (inputSearch.Value != inputSearchValue && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inputSearch.Value))
                    if (inputSearch.Value.StartsWith("landscap", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        SelectedCategory = "Landscapers";
                        search = string.Empty;
                    else if (inputSearch.Value.StartsWith("baby sitter", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        SelectedCategory = "Baby sitters";
                        search = string.Empty;
                    else if (inputSearch.Value.StartsWith("doctor", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        SelectedCategory = "Doctor";
                        search = string.Empty;
                    else if (inputSearch.Value.StartsWith("cleaning service", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        SelectedCategory = "Cleaning services";
                        search = string.Empty;
                    else if (inputSearch.Value.StartsWith("pet sitter", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        SelectedCategory = "Pet sitters";
                        search = string.Empty;
                    else if (inputSearch.Value.StartsWith("handyman", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        SelectedCategory = "Handyman";
                        search = string.Empty;
                    else if (inputSearch.Value.StartsWith("electrical service", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        SelectedCategory = "Electrical services";
                        search = string.Empty;
                    else if (inputSearch.Value.StartsWith("tutor", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        SelectedCategory = "Tutor";
                        search = string.Empty;
                    else if (inputSearch.Value.StartsWith("dog walker", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        SelectedCategory = "Dog walker";
                        search = string.Empty;
                    else if (inputSearch.Value.StartsWith("plumb", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        SelectedCategory = "Plumbing";
                        search = string.Empty;
                    else if (inputSearch.Value.StartsWith("Caterer", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        SelectedCategory = "Caterers";
                        search = string.Empty;
                    else if (inputSearch.Value.Equals("misc", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        SelectedCategory = "Misc";
                        search = string.Empty;
    200+ строк кода

    тот же девелопер, та же .aspx страница)))))

    mangyst, 30 Мая 2012

    Комментарии (5)
  8. C# / Говнокод #10448


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    switch (SelectedCategory)
                    case "Landscapers":
                        inputSearch.Value = "Landscapers";
                    case "Baby sitters":
                        inputSearch.Value = "Baby sitters";
                    case "Doctor":
                        inputSearch.Value = "Doctor";
                    case "Cleaning services":
                        inputSearch.Value = "Cleaning services";
                    case "Pet sitters":
                        inputSearch.Value = "Pet sitters";
                    case "Handyman":
                        inputSearch.Value = "Handyman";
                    case "Electrical services":
                        inputSearch.Value = "Electrical services";
                    case "Tutor":
                        inputSearch.Value = "Tutor";
                    case "Dog walker":
                        inputSearch.Value = "Dog walker";
                    case "Plumbing":
                        inputSearch.Value = "Plumbing";
                    case "Caterers":
                        inputSearch.Value = "Caterers";
                    case "Misc":
                        inputSearch.Value = "Misc";

    обычный switch

    mangyst, 30 Мая 2012

    Комментарии (27)
  9. C# / Говнокод #10313


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    if (IsPostBack)
                    string PostBackerID = Request.Form.Get("__EVENTTARGET");
                    string PostBackerArg = Request.Form.Get("__EVENTARGUMENT");
                    if (PostBackerID == "ctl00$cphMainContent$pagerID")
                        CurrentReviewPage = int.Parse(PostBackerArg);
                    else if (PostBackerID == "ctl00$cphMainContent$Like")
                    else if (PostBackerID == "ctl00$cphMainContent$review")
                    else if (PostBackerID == "ctl00$cphMainContent$Follow")
                    else if (PostBackerID == "ctl00$cphMainContent$WebResultpagerID")
                        CurrentWebResultPage = int.Parse(PostBackerArg);
                    else if (PostBackerID == "ctl00$cphMainContent$WebResultCluster" || PostBackerID == "ctl00$cphMainContent$HiddenButton")
                        CurrentWebResultPage = 0;
                        int SelectedClusterID = int.Parse(PostBackerArg);
                        if (AllClusters != null && AllClusters.ContainsKey(SelectedClusterID))
                            SelectedClusterName = AllClusters[SelectedClusterID];

    компактная логика всей страницы...

    mangyst, 17 Мая 2012

    Комментарии (38)